Sunday, November 4, 2007

concentration and sketchbook image

i do not have it in paragraph form. but I'm doing gross things. like poop...

***from sketchbook***
i really like this image, i think i may do a bunch of drawings like this, but who knows


lhsap2MollyK said...

I think your concentration idea is really unique i will be interested to see what other things you will draw besides poop.

lhsap2danielled said...

you shuould draw...the marshmellow sauce at baskin robbins.

lhsap2AllenC said...

Hey Kelsey, thanks for the watercolor idea, I have messed around with watercolors and it takes a little patience to get used to but I think I might move on to crayons for my prefered medium. Also I like your concentration idea, like Molly said its out of the box and i'm interested to see what things you will create. I usually enjoy art that pulls emotions out of people, especially when they are negative emotions. Anyways see you around and good luck with your concentration.

Cassandra Poulson said...

interesting idea- i cant wait to see it all together and compiled. Props to you for creativity :)

Mackenzie said...

I really like this peice, I love contour line and I feel like its definetly a strength of yours. :)

lhsap2MollyK said...

have you done any other pieces besides your dads feet yet?

Lindsay I said...


I think we should be friends on this blog thing

but i can't find out how

and its disturbing me. very much so. I should say something about your art. Well, your art is hung all over dads house. so when you die, our house will be like one of those gallery/monuments that people will walk through and it will be level red security everywhere. And all the old people who didn't die before you will reminisce about the old days, before you became famous. because all artists are famous after they die. all the really good ones anyways. ha!